Maintenance and Replacement (M&R)

Maintenance and Replacement (M&R) is required on all instrument rental contracts upon the start of the rental and applies only to the instrument listed on the contract. The fee is included in the total monthly payment that is due on the 1st day of the month until the contract is paid in full or the instrument is returned. The deductibles for maintenance are $15 for Violin/Viola, $25 for Cello, and $50 for Bass. The “Maintenance” portion of the agreement includes repairs and adjustments necessary to keep the instrument in playing condition. Any damage to the instrument that requires repairs or adjustments must not have been caused by malicious intent or abuse. Any work performed in our workshop that is not covered by this agreement will be billed at our standard shop rates. If the agreement has been voided due to delinquency, the renter assumes all responsibility for damage or loss of the instrument. In the event that the repair cost exceeds the value of the rented instrument, Violin Shop Tampa, Inc. reserves the right to provide the renter an equivalent instrument in quality, price, and value in lieu of repairing said instrument. In this case, the M&R deductible would apply and the full deposit will be forfeited. This agreement becomes null and void when the above listed instrument contract is satisfied or paid in full or if the rental contract is delinquent by 30 or more days.

The M&R agreement does not include: 

  • Strings, bows, and cases, which are subject to the discretion of Violin Shop Tampa, Inc. Deductions from the deposit will apply if replacements are deemed necessary upon return.
  • More than one bridge repair per year. If necessary, bridge repairs will be serviced at the cost of the deductible once per year. Following that initial repair, if further bridge repairs are necessary, the standard shop rate will apply.
  •  Parts that do not affect the playability of the instrument or cleaning. If an instrument is returned that requires deep cleaning and/or varnish retouching, the following fees will be deducted from any deposit return: $30 for Violin/Viola, $40 for Cello, and $50 for Bass.
  • Damage which does not affect the playing ability of the instrument or the condition of the finish.